Who Is the CIO of the Year for 2021?

Tim Denman
Editor in Chief
a man wearing a suit and tie

The past year has been trying to say the least. But with the challenges have come opportunities that savvy and nimble retailers have been able to turn into major wins. With the CIO at the helm, retailers have been able to quickly evolve and reimagine their business models and operations to meet the public’s changed needs.  

As we happily turn the page to 2021, RIS is preparing for its 10th annual CIO of the Year award. As always, the award will be presented to a retail CIO who has demonstrated an innovative use of technology that has moved their retail organization forward.

To cast the largest net possible and ensure that retail’s most deserving are honored, we are asking you, our valued readers, to nominate a deserving CIO for consideration.

The entire nomination process will only take a few minutes of your time and will be invaluable as RIS examines the IT leaders who have had the greatest impact on their organizations and the industry at large.

In addition to the CIO of the Year award, RIS is also accepting nominations for the RIS Hall of Fame. The Hall is open to retailers, analysts and vendors alike. It is designed to honor individuals who have embodied innovation, pioneered game-changing strategies, and introduced cutting-edge technologies over long and distinguished careers.

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