Wayfair Introduces a High-Tech Mobile Experience

Tim Denman
Editor in Chief
a man wearing a suit and tie

Wayfair introduced new features to its mobile shopping app that make it even easier for consumers to discover products and design their rooms on the go. With seamless access to simple and intuitive features including an augmented reality (AR) tool, a central hub for all camera-based features and Room Planner 3D mobile shoppers now have a suite of innovative design tools at their fingertips.

“With more than half of our customers placing orders on a mobile device, we’re thrilled to deliver powerful new tools that make shopping for home even easier, and reflect the evolution of how consumers are shopping for their homes,” said Matt Zisow, vice president of product management, experience design and analytics at Wayfair. “With the Wayfair mobile shopping app, consumers have the flexibility to discover and visualize their favorite products among millions of options, then design their rooms from start to finish, no matter where they are.”

Wayfair’s new mobile features coincide with a complete refresh of the Wayfair app, making the entire mobile shopping experience seamless and tailored to every shopper's needs. Features and major updates include:

  • Interactive Photo for View in Room 3D. With View in Room 3D, shoppers can visualize how products will look and fit in their space, from within their actual room through the power of AR. They can also take this experience on the go with the launch of Interactive Photo, which lets shoppers take a photo of their room and visualize multiple products even when not in their space. Interactive Photo uses breakthrough technology to understand the spatial information of the room in the image, so that shoppers can continue designing whenever inspiration strikes.
  • Integrated Camera. Camera-based tools are put at the forefront of the mobile shopping experience by making View in Room 3D and the company’s visual search feature, Search with Photo, easily accessible. With one click of the camera icon in the search bar of the app, customers can toggle between camera-based features with a quick swipe, allowing them to visually search for and purchase the products, and visualize how items will look and fit in their space.
  • Room Planner 3D. Wayfair’s advanced room design tool is now available on its mobile shopping app. Customers can create an interactive 3D room, view it from virtually every angle, and then play with a variety of styles, layouts and room dimensions, mixing and matching true-to-scale Wayfair products in their digital room.

“At Wayfair, we have always been focused on helping our customers shop for their homes with ease and confidence; technologies like AR and machine learning allow us to do this in elegant and scalable ways,” said Zisow. “With the latest updates to the Wayfair app, we continue to push the limits of what’s possible by iterating on advanced AR and machine learning capabilities, and introducing new and innovative spatial awareness techniques to an e-commerce experience, bridging the gap between imagination and reality. With the Wayfair app, shoppers can quickly and easily transform any room in their home from anywhere.”

The newly refreshed Wayfair app is available on iOS and Android devices. Interactive Photo, Integrated Camera and Room Planner 3D for mobile are currently available on iOS.

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