Walmart Buys Ad Technology Startup Polymorph Labs

Jamie Grill-Goodman
Editor in Chief
Jamie goodman
Polymorph’s tech will provide a platform for real-time auctions across multiple ad-pricing models.

Walmart is acquiring Silicon Valley-based advertising technology startup Polymorph Labs to help it deliver more relevant digital ads to consumers.

Polymorph’s tech, which includes a high-speed ad server, a self-serve interface and server-side header bidding, complements Walmart’s current omnichannel ad targeting and measurement solution, the retailer said, and will provide a platform for real-time auctions across multiple ad-pricing models.

Polymorph’s technology platform will also enable Walmart advertisers to on-board quickly, select audience segments based on shopping behavior, automate ad delivery and then measure whether their ads influenced a sale.

“The company’s ad server is also much faster than the traditional client-side servers, so Walmart shoppers online or via our mobile app will be served advertising that is more relevant and delivered faster,” said Stefanie Jay, vice president and general manager, Walmart Media Group.

The acquisition comes only months after Walmart brought its ad sales in-house in an effort to build out a bigger advertising business, according to TechCrunch. The move also allows big suppliers to interact with one ad team instead of different groups within and outside the retailer.

Walmart Media Group enables brands to measure advertising effectiveness across the shopping journey, helping brands understand if someone saw their ad on Walmart’s platform or across the Internet, and then purchased the product in-store or online, Jay explained.

“Ultimately, the acquisition of Polymorph technology will enable both existing and new advertisers to control their ad spending with us and reach their desired audiences more effectively,” said Jay.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

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