Walmart Augments Mobile App, Adds Text to Shop Capability

Liz Dominguez
Managing Editor
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Walmart mobile app

As we approach the holidays, Walmart has made strides in transforming its shopping experiences, diversifying the ways consumers can purchase their favorite products. It doesn’t seem possible to add yet another avenue for purchasing in this “everywhere commerce” world, but Walmart just announced it will now also be offering Text to Shop — a capability that has been in the works for quite some time. 

Walmart customers can now make purchases by texting Walmart through iOS and Android devices. The offering is tied to consumers’ Walmart accounts on the Walmart mobile app, keeping tabs on their previously purchased items so they can simply reorder if need be. 

Items from both local stores and are available for purchase, and customers can either use texting or their Walmart app to checkout once they’re done adding items to their cart by simply texting what they need. 

“Text to Shop is simple and convenient by design, and was built in partnership with Walmart’s Global Tech team,” said Dominique Essig, VP, conversational commerce, Store No8, Walmart's incubation arm. “We worked closely with our customers to design Text to Shop.”

Items can be easily swapped, and consumers can also select a time slot for pickup or delivery. Walmart customers who have provided feedback said they appreciated the convenience of being able to text one or two items for purchase after having completed a purchase and forgetting some items. 

“We know that for busy families and young professionals, finding opportunities to slow down and live in the moment is a priority. That’s what inspired Text to Shop,” added Essig. 

It's been a long road for this new option. Walmart ran a beta test just last year, but even before that in 2018, it launched a text-based, personal-shopping service through the brand's (now discontinued) Jet Black venture. 

Walmart Made Major Upgrades This Year

In a recent earnings call with investors, the company said its mobile app has been Walmart's most influential communication vehicle. 

Doug McMillon, Walmart’s CEO, said that as people look toward Walmart for value, he wants them to see that the experience of shopping is compelling due to new capabilities developed

“As our app becomes more a part of daily life for our customers and members, they find that they can do so much with it, like easily build a shopping cart, schedule a time to pick up an order or have it delivered when it's convenient for them, skip the line with scan and go, or find an item in their local store,” added McMillon. 

Walmart recently enhanced its digital shopping experiences ahead of the busy holiday season. Following a set of improvements announced this past month, Walmart is now also investing in new capabilities such as augmented reality (AR), Buy Now, and a virtual shopping queue

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