Sacred Heart Graduates First Class in Joint SAS Certificate Program

Tim Denman
Editor in Chief
a man wearing a suit and tie

Sacred Heart University announced the first cohort of students to complete the SAS joint certificate program in digital marketing, which requires additional specialized courses and a capstone project as an extension of the university’s master’s in digital marketing program.

The master’s in digital marketing prepares students for a successful career in digital marketing, with courses that cover digital marketing, social media marketing, digital advertising, marketing analytics, and big data marketing.

“This is a natural outgrowth of SHU’s focus on science, technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM),” said Jose Mendoza, program director and assistant professor. “We’re combining advanced topics such as artificial intelligence marketing and big data marketing with cutting-edge tools such as those offered by SAS. The SAS joint certificate in digital marketing reinforces the strength, quality and relevance of our master’s program in digital marketing and sets graduates on a path to successful and financially rewarding careers.”

To complete the SAS certificate, students also had to take on a capstone project that involved addressing a marketing challenge using real data and digital software tools included in the SAS suite. SAS has collaborated with colleges and universities around the world to launch more than 300 joint programs.

“SAS partners with universities to equip students with relevant credentials that send a strong signal to employers,” said Dan Mitchell, director of the SAS global retail and consumer packaged goods practice. “Retailers and marketers are investing heavily in analytics, hoping to gain an advantage in highly competitive environments. Sacred Heart students earning this joint certificate get a leg up in pursuit of rewarding careers in analytics.”

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