Retail's Pause is Over: Let's Look Where Tech Investments Might Be Headed Now


In the blink of an eye, retail has changed forever.

As COVID-19 has spread across the globe, retailers have been forced to explore untested business models just to keep operating in a new, restrictive reality. Even for an industry accustomed to disruption, the widespread shuttering of doors has been like a kick in the teeth to some.

But retailers are resilient. They’ve found new ways to survive — and in some cases even thrive — during this unprecedented crisis. They’re brushing themselves off, adopting new SOPs, and deploying tech on the fly to ensure customers can still purchase the goods they need.

Tech Investment Post COVID-19, a webinar hosted by RIS News and presented by Alteryx, dives into the following questions, using the RIS 30th Annual Retail Technology Study as its foundation:

  • When this crisis is behind us and everyone has a chance to breathe, where will retailers begin to invest?
  • What tech will they deploy to shore up holes in their supply chains, demand prediction and emergency response?
  • What’s the No. 1 issue facing many retailers right now when using data in their recovery plans?
  • What’s the future for live-streaming video shopping or other emerging CX technologies?
  • How can artificial intelligence help retailers move forward in a unified manner?

The full transcript is below, as well as the slides from the presentation.

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