Retail Personalization: Digital Meets Physical


Modern consumers crave personalized experiences that go beyond making offers simply based on channel alone. They expect experiences that blend their personal profiles and cross-channel shopping behavior with real-time information like weather and location to meet their immediate needs in real-time along the shopping journey.

The need to unify data across the enterprise from different sources, and to capture in-store data, has never been stronger. With a common data platform retailers can gain a 360-degree view of the customer, including their shopping history, behavior, preferences, and more. A unified customer experience is impossible without unified customer data.

“Most data originates in separate systems that weren’t designed to share it with anything else,” explains the Customer Data Platform Institute. “Traditional methods for collecting that data into unified customer profiles, such as an enterprise data warehouse, have failed to solve the problem. Newer approaches, like ‘data lakes,’ have collected the data but failed to organize it effectively.”

While personalization may sound like an insurmountable challenge to some, there is a solution. Read on to discover how best to utilize customer data and personalize the retail experience. 

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