Industry West Sees Average Orders Skyrocket Thanks to Personalization Efforts

Tim Denman
Editor in Chief
a man wearing a suit and tie

Home decor and furnishings retailer, Industry West, has seen a 15% increase in average order value (AOV) and an 8.1% increase in revenue since introducing AI-powered content personalization for both desktop and mobile visitors. 

Industry West has implemented personalization technology from Nosto which uses advanced AI machine learning algorithms and other statistical techniques to predict and automatically deliver the most relevant shopping experiences to its online visitors in real-time. The retailer is using Nosto’s e-commerce personalization platform to display personalized product recommendations and automatically customize onsite content to match the needs of individual visitors and visitor segments in real-time. As a result, 25% of online sales now come through Nosto’s personalized content. 

“Partnering with Nosto has been critical to our online success,” said Ian Leslie, CMO, Industry West. “We see positive results everywhere we implement the solution. It has been an incredible time-saver and has expanded our customization far beyond basic product recommendations. The platform itself is very user-friendly and provides helpful, granular insights on how the campaigns are performing.”

Industry West is able to customize its onsite content  including banners, hero images, special offers and product recommendations  to different audience segments. No matter where a shopper is in their journey, they are automatically shown personalized content in real-time, either to display what is most relevant to them or to help them pick up where they left off.  

For example, repeat visitors who haven’t made a purchase are presented with personalized “continue browsing” recommendations based on their past browsing history. As they are likely to be in the “consideration” stage of the buying process, the content they see becomes more product-specific to guide them towards an informed purchase.

Similarly, onsite content automatically changes to encourage future purchases from returning customers with hero and top banners presenting discounts and “quick ship” options for relevant product recommendations.

“Furniture is a high consideration purchase where people return to a site repeatedly to look at images, find inspiration and make the best possible decision, which makes personalization very important,” said Jim Lofgren, CEO of Nosto. “Because this is a sector with a typically high cost of customer acquisition, the opportunities to cross-sell and up-sell by displaying personalized recommendations and content are significant.” 

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