Employee Experience Optimized: Attracting and Retaining Top Retail Talent

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In a squeezed labor market, retailers need to step-up their employee experience game. In this edited webinar transcript, Legion’s Traci Chernoff and Malysa O’Connor Paul share innovative best practices to navigate the hypercompetitive talent marketplace and successfully and create happier, healthier businesses. In addition to an unpredictable economy and disrupted supply chains, hourly roles remain hard to fill and staff shortages rage on. As we dive headfirst into a new year, what can be done to alleviate some of this burden for retail employers? 

In this transcript of RIS’s latest webinar, Legion’s Traci Chernoff and Malysa O’Connor join RIS’s Jamie Grill-Goodman to discuss the results from Legion’s 2022 Seasonal Hourly Workforce survey. Over the course of the conversation, Chernoff and O’Connor share innovative strategies retailers can employ to attract (and keep!) top talent and create happier, healthier companies. 

Read on to learn best practices to adopt right now to boost agility, reduce attrition, and meet broader business objectives. 

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